National Operating Committee on

Standards for Athletic Equipment

Protecting athletes since 1970

Check Equipment Model Compliance

Visit SEI’s website. Also check SEI’s legacy list.

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National Operating Committee on

Standards for Athletic Equipment

Protecting athletes since 1970

Check Equipment Model Compliance

Visit SEI’s website to see the list of equipment models certified compliant to NOCSAE standards. Also check SEI’s legacy list.

Sign Up for NOCSAE Notifications

Get notified when standards you follow are placed on our meeting agendas.

Already a subscriber? Login here.

Find A Reconditioner

Visit NAERA’s website to find NOCSAE-licensed reconditioners.

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Many national and international regulatory bodies for sports require the use of equipment made to NOCSAE standards. Some examples are the NFL, NCAA, National Federation of State High School Associations (NFHS), International Federation of American Football, the United States Polo Association (USPA), USA Football, USA Lacrosse as well as the federal DoDEA which oversees and regulates military base athletic programs for the children of military families around the world.

Realistic Testing Criteria

NOCSAE helmet standards are based on criteria that consider not only peak g‘s but also the impact’s duration during the event. This is an accurate way to assess the severity of an impact.

Strict & Substantial QC/QA Requirements

NOCSAE standards are the only personal protective equipment standards to incorporate very specific and highly demanding levels of compliance.

Accredited Third-Party Certification

This is the most stringent and unbiased way to determine standards compliance because the third party cannot have any connection to manufacturers or products they certify.

Post-Sale Testing & Recertification

Our standards provide a way to check the performance of (previously certified) used equipment—which is a key to supporting athlete safety.

We are the only sport equipment standards developer to require product certification by a third-party certifier.

NOCSAE does not certify or approve equipment. Our standards are the basis for certification by Safety Equipment Institute. SEI is a separate ISO/IEC 17065 accredited organization.

We are the only sport equipment standards developer to require product certification by a third-party certifier.

Research Funding

Our mission is to commission research, establish standards for athletic equipment and encourage the dissemination of research findings on sport injury and prevention.

Accordingly, the NOCSAE grant programs fund investigator-initiated research that advances education, health, and safety in sport.

We award grants to organizations of all types (universities, colleges, small businesses, and so on) within North America. Our Large Grant and Small Grant programs allow an investigator to define the scientific focus or objective of the research based on a particular area of interest and competence.

3 NOCSAE headforms in 3 sizes.

NOCSAE headforms (large, medium, and small) used in headgear testing

General Research Grant

Learn more about our Small and Large research grant programs.

Request for Proposal

Our board of directors activates NOCSAE’s RFP program when there is a need to direct research on a specific topic.

Success Stories

Read about some of the scientific contributions to come out of our funding programs.

Past Grant Awards

See a list of recent studies funded by NOCSAE.

To commission research, establish standards for athletic equipment and encourage the dissemination of research findings on sport injury and prevention.


To commission research, establish standards for athletic equipment and encourage the dissemination of research findings on sport injury and prevention.


ANSI Accreditation

NOCSAE is an ANSI-accredited American National Standards Developer.

Development & Implementation

Learn about the formal steps of our standards development process.

Shared Responsibilities

Understand our common responsibilities to help reduce sport-related injuries.